Thursday, August 7, 2008

The Cat in the Craddle (Not the Andy's)

Sea kayaking the Apostle Islands is on the list of life's must do & see. Celeste' is 7 yrs old. She has already been here & paddled the shore line with Me & the Running family before. This year it was our goal to see the Sea Caves & the Sand Island Lighthouse. The weather forecast, better then last years attempt when small craft warnings relegated us to the leeward shore line of buffalo bay. No, today high of 82* waves 0-2 feet wind 5- 10 knots, Perfect!

Celeste' & I arrive at the home of the Andrew Running family. The Runnings have 4 girls, 2 dogs & a beautiful summer home in the northwoods of Wisconsin. The girls are ready at 7:00 in the morning, I love this attitude every body is gun ho! With all the kayaks loaded up its time to go.

First stop is the Black Cat Cafe' Area of Ashland. On one street the have everything you need to survive in style. The Black Cat is a funky coffee house that rivals Minocqua's own Horhays Java Salon. Next door is the Ashland Food Co-op, across the street is the Daily Bread. After chosing out lunch for the trip we are off.

Little Sand Bay:
The weather is here....... actually no weather is here, just a nice gentle breeze coming across the bay. We are off in record time! As a guide it is awesome to have a group who can be unloaded & on the water before the other groups (who got there before us) are even close to pushing off.

Celeste' is a great paddler, swimmer, philosopher. At 7 years old she will give Sue & I great insights on life. She seems to have the grasp to say the key things at the perfect time. Celeste' says to me on the crossing "Daddy I'm glad you have a boat shop, this is fun, I love you" then sits down in the front of the tandem & begins to paddle.

The crossing was easy 1 hour to the sea caves, just enough weather to make paddling fun. a rouge wave mixed in with the chop splashes Celeste' with a cool Lake Superior spray.

Sea Caves:
I have seen them a hundred times. Felt like the first time with Celeste' EXCITED! I'll let the pictures do the talking.

When Celeste' & I were out paddling we sang songs. A song about a Light House keeper & his relationship with the light by Nickel Creek. (as requested by Celeste') Of course every John Denver song I know by heart. The wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald surprisingly did not come to mind as it does every other time I am out there but I thought of the Cats in the cradle by Jim Croce. As I paddled away from a nice conversation with Andy Running I thought what a great gift... paddling with daddy, sharing life with your daughters.....then John Mayer come s to mind & Celeste'& I sing.......Fathers be good to your daughters, daughters will live like you do..............

1 comment:

Bryon Black said...

I love the Apostles! The area is truly a national treasure and there is no better way to explore those cost lines than in a kayak. Hopefully they don't discover oil under there!