Sunday, September 14, 2008

Teichmiller Family Vacation

Ya hey, ya load up da family truckster, go up der past Dulth..... mighty nice time!

Every year my adventure staff allows me a few days to do as I please. The end of the summer trip with the family is getting better & better as the participants become more mobile!

Trip highlights:
  1. Supeior, Wi. Big Party at Joel & Wendy's , Happy Aniversary!
  2. Dulth, MN. Zoo, Imax Grand Canyon, Swimming in Amnicon Falls.
  3. Gooseberry Falls, Camping, Out to eat cuz were car campin'!
  4. Split Rock Lighthouse & a bike ride.
  5. Ely, Mn International bear & wolf centers, Sudan Mine (1/2 a mile in to the earth & 3/4 mile over. 600 feet below sea level!)
  6. Nice Paddling in the BWCA
As all the staff & many of our customers leave for the winter season, I want to say thanks for another great season. Andrew & Susan Teichmiller

Friday, September 5, 2008

New Fall Hours

Their turning off the waterfalls, the tourists can go home. - Jimmy Buffet

Adventure Bicycles
Monday - Sat 10-5

Adventure Canoe & Kayak
Tue- Sat 9-5